What is an Apostolic Letter? It is a letter written by the Pope to encourage people on doctrinal issues.
On June 29, 2022, the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Pope Francis released an Apostolic Letter entitled “Desiderio Desideravi.” In this letter Pope Francis wants "to invite the whole Church to rediscover, to safeguard, and to live the truth and power of the Christian celebration." He goes on to call for liturgical formation so as to revive a sense of wonder at the mystery of the sacrifice of the Mass.
The SSP Liturgy Committee read the Letter and found it inspirational. We felt it would be worthwhile to share parts of it with the parish. In upcoming weeks members of the Liturgy Committee will present a paragraph or two of the Letter with some words of reflection about that paragraph.
We would be interested in your thoughts on any paragraph that spoke to you.
For those who want to read the 15-page letter in its entirety, it can be found here.