Dear parents, teachers, alumni, and friends of SSP School,
Happy Friday, and welcome to the weekend. I hear we are on the cusp of a winter warm-up, and I couldn’t be more encouraged. The aspect of more days of Indoor Recess doesn’t sit well with us!
This edition of the Notes is chock-full of information—eight pages total—and we put some on the back burner to limit eye strain if you read on a digital device!
The NCEA Catholic School Week officially starts on Sunday. We had so much to do we are beginning tonight with the PTO’s Inaugural Family Glo Party. The fun will continue on Sunday with an Open House at SSP immediately following the 10 AM Sunday Mass held at the IHM campus (11 am—1 pm). See page two of the Notes for a more complete list of events.
I did not include an SSP STARs column this week. The people I’d like to highlight eclipse STAR-dom; they are genuinely SUPERSTARs. First, June Tessin invested 100s of hours in two significant projects: Registration 2025-26 and CSW Open House. She has exceeded the call of duty to showcase our school. Her heart was bursting with joy today as registration came pouring in! Thank you to those who were ready and able on Day 1! June had help along the way from teachers, the PTO, the Board of Education, and the Marketing Committee, especially Phil Cervantes, Angel Clark, Michael Dauphin, and Abby Richter! It was June’s leadership that has navigated this journey so far! Thank you to those mentioned above and the nameless volunteers who did so much to promote this great Catholic school. Also, heartfelt gratitude is extended to Mr. Jim Sciaroni and the janitorial/maintenance team, who spent most of the Christmas break and the new year helping to beautify the campus. They are doing great work and take pride in their ministry!
We look forward to our Parent and Student Ambassador volunteers assisting during the Open House on Sunday. You, too, make a difference, and we appreciate you more than words can express.
Enjoy the weekend. We hope to see you at one of the many events over the next several days!
God’s Peace.
Read the Notes.