I feel like a broken record, each week I send salutations in the form of happy Friday, welcome to the weekend and welcome to a new month… this school year is flying! Here we are in March, three months left in this school year. At this time of year, we keep one foot in the current year and the other in the next. Registration for 2024-25 is progressing quite nicely. Those signs, positive word of mouth, and marketing efforts are bearing fruit. Thank you for your part in this process.
Prayers for us all. Please don’t underestimate the power of prayer! Things are falling into place regarding staffing for our summer programs and teaching staff for the next school year. I am feeling encouraged and blessed. Please remember to pray for members of our community who have lost loved ones, those who are fighting health issues, and those facing challenges that no one is aware of. Stay #SSP Strong
We look forward to another well-attended Sunset Mass this Sunday. Our Confirmandi are our guests of honor. An ice cream social will follow. While I am sure no one is counting the days, Spring break will begin at the end of school next Friday.
Have an awesome weekend. We truly appreciate your support, every, single day!
Greg Sturgill