Next weekend we start Catholic Schools Week with an open house for St. Stephen Protomartyr School! Everyone’s invited to come by SSP School for our open house on Sunday, January 26. It goes from 11am to 1pm and it’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about the great things happening at our parish school. We have some personnel changes taking place as the new year starts. Eric Dao started last week as our full-time Marketing Manager. Eric will help us invite more people to meet Jesus, and will help connect parishioners to their next step as disciples. We will also say farewell to Deacon Ron Holmes at the end of January. He’ll be taking an extended leave of absence from his duties as a deacon so that he can focus on investing in his family. Welcome Eric, and thank you Deacon Ron! Finally, a big thank you to everyone who helped us clear the snow the last two weeks. Our maintenance team’s hard work cleared doors and paths at our three campuses. A mistake on my part complicated their work. I thought I had secured donated snow removal services for our parking lots, but the good people who agreed to help us found that our job was just too big for their capabilities. We learned this on Monday so the rest of the week we were scrambling. I am very grateful to the volunteers who helped us open school, and to the services that helped us at the last minute. We’ll find a better plan to plow our lots next time. God bless you!