Remember that Monday, December 9 is a Holy Day of Obligation, because this year exceptionally it is the day we are celebrating the Immaculate Conception of Mary. We’ll have Mass at 6:30am at SJB, 8:00am at IHM, and 7:00pm at SSP with our seasonal choir singing. We also have lots of opportunities for confessions coming in the week ahead. Our parish reconciliation service will be on Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30pm at SSP. We’ll have extra priests hearing confessions at quiet adoration on Thursday, December 12 from 6pm to 8pm at IHM, and I’ll hear confessions at SJB at 6pm on Friday, December 13 at SJB during our time for Rosary and adoration.
We are doing a little cleanup of our parish databases and records, and as part of that process we are looking over the list of people to whom we send envelopes. If you haven’t used your envelopes in a year, we’ll save some paper by not sending them to you in the year ahead. Naturally, if you would like to receive paper envelopes and you aren’t, just let us know. We’d be happy to send them to you. What is even better, though, is giving online. It’s simpler for you and for us. You can learn more about online giving here: