I am writing this column on Tuesday as picnic preparations are ramping into high gear! Many thanks to the dedicated volunteers who are preparing a great day for us! May God give us a safe, welcoming, and fun picnic this year. And maybe a dry one, Lord, but whatever you think best. :)
I’ve had a good conversation with Fr. Tim Foley, who will be coming to help us in July. One pleasant piece of news is that we’ll keep the same schedule of weekend and weekday Masses, thanks to Fr. Tim’s generous help. Still, some things will be changing.
On weekends, Fr. Tim and I will alternate taking the various Masses at our three campuses. We’ll still preach one homily series for the whole parish, so the same basic message at all Masses, but at first we are going to try out having each of us preach at our own Masses during the weekend. During the week, I’ll have the 8 a.m. Mass at SSP on Thursdays so I can celebrate the all-school mass with the kids, and the 6:30 a.m. Mass at SJB on other days. Fr. Tim will have the 6:30 a.m. Mass at SJB on Thursdays, the 8 a.m. Masses at IHM on Mondays and Wednesdays and at SSP on Tuesdays and Fridays. He’ll also be helping with funerals scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday mornings, and I’ll help with funerals on Wednesday or Friday mornings. He’ll be helping me visit people in the hospital, too, for which I am very grateful. Plus, he’s excited to join our Liturgy Committee! I look forward to learning what ideas he may have to help us pray well together on the weekend. Fr. Tim’s moving into SJB with me, and the best way to reach him will be calling Karen Garcia at the SSP office and leaving him a message with her.
You’ll meet Fr. Tim on Sunday, July 7, 2024. And please remember to mark your calendars for Msgr. Bommarito’s farewell party after the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 30, 2024. Come by and give him a big thank you for the many ways he has helped us during our first important year of transition.