Girls on the Run is SO MUCH FUN!
This 8-week program is for girls in grades 3-5. The curriculum is designed to build confidence and improve social, emotional, and physical health. Teams normally meet twice per week for 60-75 minutes after school.
Coach training and curriculum are provided by the GOTR organization, and you do not have to be a runner to be a coach! To reinstate this program, we must have someone to serve as a head coach/site liaison at SSP. However, we need assistant coaches, too! All volunteers must have completed the Protecting God’s Children training, as well as a background check. Click here for more information about coaching.
The spring season will culminate with a 5K (usually in downtown St. Louis) that is full of Star Power, music, and cheers! We encourage you to visit to learn more about this wonderful organization.
If you are able to help bring GOTR back to SSP, please contact Amanda Quinn.