Dear parents, teachers, and friends of SSP School,
Happy Friday, Advent & December, and Happy St. Nick’s Day. Welcome to the weekend! S’mores with Santa, a Girl Scout fundraiser, takes place tonight. We hope you can participate. There will be much hustling and bustling during the next ten school days. Saddle up the sleigh and hang on for memories and adventures!
Congratulations to the second graders and their teacher, Mrs. Minor, who prepared her students for their First Reconciliation this past Wednesday evening.
With the mercury dipping in the thermometers, students bring more outwear to school, but not all make it back home. The teacher and I bring in a half dozen items daily. We do our best to get these items reunited with students. Sometimes, we cannot do so due to a lack of identification. I am embarrassed to say I leave suit coats and my revered Chiefs’ gear around the building. I am currently missing my favorite beanie and a pair of Chiefs gloves.
Trying to be part of the solution, I looked online for labeling suggestions. I have a link I’d like to share with you; this is only one page of a plethora of places to search:
I am sure we will get a stamper and labels for our grandkids. Sometimes, it is hard to distinguish between the St. Louis and Fayette Sturgills’ gear; they wear similar sizes and styles!
Have a blessed weekend and Advent, stay warm, and we will see you soon!
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