Dear parents, teachers, and friends of SSP School,
It takes a village … that phrase resonated with me all this week. It’s not always the big things that make a tremendous impact on people’s lives. Mother Teresa was quoted: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” I saw this fleshed out a number of times this week. Even today, a late STAR nomination is Kendal Dauphin, who came to help at cafeteria time to serve where needed … thank you! Yesterday, I couldn’t answer the bell, but I was picked up by Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Marinaro and the school didn’t miss a beat!
This week, we had a couple of spirited youth who were loitering and exercising their constitutional right to free speech on Wilmington Avenue. A number of concerned parents, students, and a grandparent or two stepped up to do small things with great love. We will stay atop this situation and make sure all of our students are getting home safely from school. Know that we appreciate everything that you do that helps us all stay #SSPStrong!
AND ... please leave the bell tower lot free for funeral parking on MONDAY!
Thank you and have a great weekend,
D. Greg Sturgill