Dear parents, teachers, and friends of SSP School.
Happy Friday, and welcome to the weekend.
Sometimes, these shortened workweeks really are chock full of activities and energy, like we are trying to make up for a lost day! We had a fantastic day today. We celebrated with our avid summer readers at the end of the day. I was proud not only of their summer adventures but also of their interactions with all students K-8, older students looking after the younger students. We all had a great afternoon!
I want to expand on some notes/blurbs in this cover letter.
Fr. Aaron and I had a great conversation this morning about practicing with our students after Mass in two weeks, preparing them to receive Jesus at communion through the body and precious blood. That was a practice put on hold at SSP during the pandemic. Since the first week of August, communion has been distributed at SSP under both species at weekend masses. Fr. Aaron wants to mirror the weekend worship experience during our weekday Masses. Fr. Aaron insists that people do not have to receive the precious blood; he is giving us the opportunity at SSP. This becomes a family conversation and decision before we begin practicing and implementing this practice of our faith.
We have heard feedback from Grade 3-4-5 parents. We think it would be advantageous for parents from these grade levels to join us for a Meet and Greet. Two-thirds of our Intermediate Teachers are new this year. We have a brand-new hire in third grade with Mrs. Sandi King. The teachers will be here on Tuesday, 9/12, from 6-7 p.m. They will be prepared to answer your questions and share tips to help your child succeed during their intermediate years. Immediately following this Meet and Greet, dads are invited to join us at the Holy Name Society Meeting. I understand they will serve Pretzel Boys after prayer and the business meeting. Consider yourself cordially invited to join us!
Read the Notes